Achievement through Action Award - In memory of Christopher A. Weeks

About the Award

The Achievement through Action (Christopher A. Weeks Memorial) Award was presented for the first time in 1983. It comprises a certificate and a cash prize, derived from funds donated for the purpose by Mrs. Marta Weeks. The Award is presented to an individual, a group, or a corporate body that has made an important contribution to the harnessing of solar energy for practical use or is proposing a new concept, development or product for the same purpose.

Nomination Process:

Nominations for the award may be made by members of the Society or by groups of members (i.e. ISES National Sections, ISES Committees or other groups) or Non-members and should be supported by appropriate evidence of the contributions of the nominee. Letters of support can be provided by anyone. Self-nominations (neither by individuals or groups) will not be accepted. 

Nominations for the Achievement through Action Award 2025 will be accepted starting in spring 2025. 

Nominations will need to be made via a dedicated submission form which will be made available on this homepage.

2021 Recipient

The 2021 award is presented to the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET)

The Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) aims to advance the global energy transition by empowering women in energy through interdisciplinary networking, advocacy, training, and mentoring. GWNET seeks to address the current gender imbalances in the energy sector and to promote gender-sensitive action around the energy transition in all parts of the world.

2019 Recipient

ISES is very pleased to present this award to Prof. Ricardo Rüther, Brazil.

Ricardo Rüther is a metallurgical Engineer from the Federal University of RioGrande do Sul with a Master in Mining, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from University of Western Australia ,postdoctoral fellow for photovoltaic solar systems at Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Germany and postdoctoral fellow for photovoltaic solar systems integrated to buildings at the University of Western Australia. He currently is a Professor at UFSC and coordinator of the EC82-1ABNT-Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (Commission of Study Conversion Systems of Photovoltaic Solar Energy). He was founder and first president of ABENS (the Brazilian Section of the International Solar Energy Society) and is part of the National Institute of Science and Technology in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Amazon (INCT-EREEA).

2017 Recipient

The 2017 recipient of this award went to Prof. Aldo Steinfeld and the Professorship of Renewable Energy Carriers, ETH Zurich in Switzerland

Professor Aldo Steinfeld heads the Professorship of Renewable Energy Carriers in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich. His research program is aimed at the advancement of the thermal and chemical engineering sciences applied to renewable energy technologies. His research focus comprises heat and mass transfer phenomena and multi-phase reacting flows, with applications in solar power, fuels, and materials production, CO2 capture and utilization, energy storage and sustainable energy systems. He is one of the leading scholars in the field of solar energy, in particular for his outstanding contributions to the fundamentals of high-temperature/high-flux solar energy conversion. His group has pioneered the development of solar-driven thermochemical reactor technologies for producing clean transportation fuels from water and CO2.

Prof. Steinfeld has authored more than 320 refereed journal papers and supervised 42 PhD theses to date. The impact of his work is attested by over 17,000 citations. His contributions to science and education have been recognized with several prestigious international awards, the more recent one being the 2016 ASME Kreith Energy Award for his work leading to a secure and sustainable energy future. He is member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences and of the International Solar Energy Society’s Board of Directors.

2015 Recipient

This award is given to Prof. Klaus Vajen and his research group at the Institute of Thermal Energy Engineering, University of Kassel. The focus of his group’s scientific work is on solar thermal, thermal energy systems, sorption processes and energy efficiency in buildings. In the context of R & D projects, Prof. Vajen and his group maintains approximately 50 on-going international co-operative projects.

2013 Recipient

In 2013, Dr. Larry Kazmerski is being honoured for his work as a leading researcher in the field of photovoltaics and his work at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the U.S.A. He is receiving the award for his lifelong contributions in accelerating PV research, development and deployment around the world. He is recognized for his dedication and leadership.