EuroSun Conferences

Since its inception in 1996, the EuroSun conferences, hosted every two years across vibrant cities throughout Europe, have become one of the most dynamic and inspiring gatherings in the solar energy community!

At EuroSun conferences, we offer an exciting global platform where scientists, researchers, engineers, architects, and industry leaders come together to share their latest breakthroughs, developments, and visions for the future of solar energy. It’s the perfect opportunity to showcase your work, connect with fellow pioneers, exchange ideas, and engage with key stakeholders from business, research, and government. By the end of the conference, you’ll be energized and driven to help accelerate the transition to a 100% renewable energy world!

Since 2022, EuroSun has been jointly organized by ISES and the IEA SHC Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (IEA SHC), bringing even more expertise and global reach to this incredible event.

Are you interested in hosting a EuroSun conference? Keep an eye out for our upcoming call for proposals, which will be launched two years ahead of the next event.

Got questions? Reach out to us at eurosun(at)—we’d love to hear from you!

EuroSun 2026: Save the Date!

ISES, the International Solar Energy Society and IEA SHC, the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme are pleased to announce that EuroSun 2026 - the ISES and IEA SHC International Conference for Sustainable and Solar Energy for Buidlings and Industry will take place in Freiburg, Germany from 14-18 September 2026

The organizers are especially pleased to announce that the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE will join the conference as it's scientific host! 

2026 will also mark the 30th birthday of the EuroSun conference series and a solar home coming at the same time as the first ever EuroSun conference took place in Freiburg in 1996. 

The call for papers for EuroSun 2026 will be released in late 2025. 

EuroSun 2024 : 26-30 August 2024 in Limassol (Cyprus)

EuroSun 2024 - the ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Sustainable and Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry took place from 26 - 30 August 2024 in Limassol, Cyprus.

EuroSun 2024 was jointly organized by ISES and IEA SHC and the local hosts were the Cyprus University of Technology and the local ISES section, ISES Cyprus.

At EuroSun 2024, we welcomed solar researchers, experts, industry representatives, students, and practitioners from Europe and all around the world. The programme featured dedicated technical sessions on the congress themes, high-level keynotes by expert speakers, workshops, technical tours and more. Since the first EuroSun Conference took place in 1996, the conference has become one of the main events on solar energy for buildings and industry in Europe. The role of PV, solar cooling, storage and grid integration is especially crucial for isolated sunny islands like Cyprus, and the organizers were especially pleased to offer a full programme and dedicated networking opportunities with senior experts from research and


Visit the conference homepage for photos and impressions from sunny Cyprus!


EuroSun 2022

EuroSun 2022 took place from 25 - 29 September 2022 in Kassel, Germany.

Organized by the International Solar Energy Society and the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme and hosted by the De­part­ment of So­lar and Sys­tems En­gi­nee­ring at the University of Kassel, this first in-person EuroSun conference since the COVID-pandemic welcomed 486 attendees from 54 countries all around the world.

Throughout the four conference days, attendees joined 5 plenary sessions, 10 keynotes, oral sessions across 20 conference themes, three poster sessions, workshops, technical sessions, and more.

In 2022, a special focus of the organizers was to support young scientists and students, and a wide range of events for these young attendees was offered such as the Masters Course in Solar Energy including free accommodation, free conference attendees for 75 students, a dedicated networking session for junior scientists and senior experts and much more.

The conference was made possible by the generous support from public supporters such as the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, the University of Kassel and the state energy agency of Hesse as well as by the conference Gold Sponsor Viessmann and the Supporting Sponsors Enersolve, Qconcept, Stadtwerke Kassel and the cdw foundation.

EuroSun 2020

13th International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry

01 - 03 September 2020 - Virtual Conference


EuroSun 2020 - it's a wrap!

Over 200 hundred attendees from countries all around the world attended the first-ever virtual EuroSun 2020 and the three conference days were packed with state of the art scientific presentations on the conference's 13 conference topics, networking sessions, workshops and more.

EuroSun 2020 offered a platform to discuss the latest developments with leading solar energy experts as well as policymakers and industry representatives. The programme included distinguished keynote speakers in plenary sessions, specialists meetings in breakout sessions and poster exhibitions as well as social events with the opportunity to network, meet old friends and to make new ones.

The Conference was organized by ISES in cooperation with the Cyprus University of Technology, the University of West Attica and supported by the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme.

Thank you to everybody who attended EuroSun 2020!

EuroSun 2018

12th International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry

10. - 13. September, 2018
Rapperswil, Switzerland

Event Homepage:

This years welcoming message:
It is our great pleasure to invite you to EuroSun 2018 in Rapperswil, Switzerland.
This year’s conference will be held on the beautiful campus of the HSR University of Applied Science Rapperswil on Lake Zürich.

The worldwide success of renewable energy technologies, and solar energy in particular, is remarkable, and it is what we all work for. In many cases solar technologies are already the most economical way to produce electricity or heat. But there is still a very long way to go to achieve the goal of a 100% renewable energy supply. Efficiencies must improve and the costs of components and services must be reduced further. We need a shift to thinking in terms of systems and a better understanding of the interaction of the electricity, heat and mobility sectors.

In the last few years we have seen a growing competition between solar thermal technologies and solar electricity in the heating sector. It is not yet clear where that competition will lead us. Most certainly our future energy system will have a higher grade of electrification. On the other hand it seems likely that energy systems will be more stable and more efficient if a variety of technologies complement each other.
The EuroSun conferences focus on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry, covering both, heat and electricity.

We are pleased to announce that the EuroSun 2018 will be organized in cooperation with the Swissolar Solar Heating Conference, the 2nd SIGES Conference on the Simulation of Energy Systems for Buildings and the 8th International Conference on Solar Air Conditioning.

EuroSun 2018 will offer a platform to discuss the latest developments with leading solar energy experts as well as policy makers and industry representatives. The programme will include distinguished keynote speakers in plenary sessions, specialists meetings in breakout sessions and poster exhibitions as well as social events where you will have the opportunity to network, meet old friends and to make new ones.

For three days the campus of HSR in Rapperswil will host the “who ‘s who” in solar energy for buildings and industry. We look forward to welcoming you there for EuroSun 2018.

EuroSun 2016

11th International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry

12.-14. October 2016

Palma de Mallorca

International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry

ISES, AEDES and the University of the Balearic Islands are pleased to announce the 2016 edition of EuroSun, the ISES European solar energy congress.


  • Solar Architecture and Net Zero Energy Buildings
  • Solar Heat for Industrial Processes
  • Thermal Storage
  • Solar Thermal Systems: Domestic Hot Water, Space Heating and Cooling
  • Solar Assisted District Heating and Cooling and Large Scale Applications
  • Testing & Certification
  • Solar Thermal Collectors and Solar Loop Components
  • PV and PVT systems for buildings and industry
  • Solar Resource
  • Solar Education
  • Renewable Energy Strategies and Policies

View the proceedings of the EuroSun 2016 here:

View video interviews which were taken at the EuroSun 2016 on the ISES YouTube channel:

EuroSun 2014

16 - 19 September 2014

Aix-Les-Bains, France

Solar energy and solar buildings are fundamental pillars to achieving a transition to a renewable energy society. While Europe is 6 years from 2020 when the binding targets of the 3x20 will be evaluated, technologies under development today should be common place in this horizon.

To bring light to the latest developments, the scientific and organizing committees invited scientists, engineerings and policy makers to Aix les Bains, France to participate in EuroSun 2014, a European solar energy conference, organized jointly by ISES Europe and INES.

The conference proceedings are available in the ISES Conference Proceedings Database.

EuroSun 2012

18 - 21 September 2012
Opatija & Rejika, Croatia

The biennial ISES Europe Solar Conference, with the overarching theme “Solar Energy for a Brighter Future”, addressed solar energy as the most important and reliable energy source for our future. The conference brought together science, industry, academia and governments to discuss the latest cutting-edge technology advancements and business opportunities in the solar fields.  Rijeka and Opatija are neighboring cities in the unique location on the coast of Croatia, famous for its rich cultural heritage and technical history.