The International Solar Energy Society Global Contacts

ISES is governed by an esteemed Board of Directors, elected by our global membership. This dedicated group of leaders plays a pivotal role in shaping the strategic direction of the Society. The Board of Directors also selects the Executive Committee, which works in close collaboration with the Headquarters team to ensure the effective execution of Board decisions and the ongoing success of the Society's initiatives.

In addition to the central governance, ISES is supported by its Sections and Collaborating Groups, which operate at the national and regional levels. These groups provide invaluable opportunities for members to engage in local solar energy efforts and contribute to the global transition to renewable energy. We encourage members to actively participate in these organizations to strengthen solar energy development within their respective areas.

For more information about ISES activities in your region, please connect with your local Country Contacts or reach out to members [at]

Explore the links below to discover ISES contacts and activities in your part of the world.