Solar Standards and Certification - IEA SHC Solar Academy Task 57
As part of the IEA SHC Solar Academy, in which IEA SHC shares it’s work and supports R&D and implementation of solar heating and cooling projects worldwide, this webinar will present Task 57 on solar standards and certification.
Four panelist speakers will introduce Task 57, its sub-tasks A, B and C and introduce perspectives for solar standards and certification. As part of the webinar, the Global Solar Certification Network, IEA SHCs work on ISO guidelines as well as different requirements in certification will be introduced.
The webinar is organized by the Solar Academy of the IEA SHC Programme and hosted by ISES, the International Solar Energy Society - the webinar presentations as well as the recording will be made available after the webinar.
Shawn Martin (Moderator)
Shawn Martin is a mechanical engineer with wide range of experience in research and development, product design and commercialization, primarily for construction technologies. Currently, Shawn is the Technical Director at the Solar Rating and Certification Corporations (ICC-SRCC) certification program, certifying solar thermal collectors and systems for North America and managing projects to update and convert ICC-SRCC’s standards to American National Standards.
Shawn will be moderating the webinar and the Q&A section.
Jan Erik Nielsen
Jan Erik Nielsen is Operating Agent for Task 57 and Manager of the Global Solar Certification Network.
From the very beginning, Jan Erik was involved in developing the Pan European certification scheme Solar Keymark and is Manager of the Solar Keymark Network. He will introduce IEA SHC Task 57, give a summary of Subtask B and present some perspectives for solar standards and certification.
Harald Drück

Harald Drück, Chairman of the Global Solar Certification Network (GSCN) and Leader of Subtask A (Kick-off operation of the Global Solar Certification Network (GSCN)) from IGTE (former ITW/TZS) University of Stuttgart, Germany will present the motivation for the establishment of the Global Solar Certification Network as well as the success stories achieved so far. Furthermore he will introduce the general structure of the GSCN and give a brief introduction into the GSCN working rules.
Korbinian Kramer
Korbinian Kramer is heading a working group on testing, quality assurance and technical characterization of heating and cooling technologies at Fraunhofer ISE and he is a lecturer at the University of Freiburg, Germany in the Master Courses Renewable Energy Management and Sustainable System Engineering.
Korbinian will introduce the supplementary guide to the latest version of the EN ISO 9086 standard - this guideline developed in the context of the IEA Task 57 is focused to the applying partners, those being industries producing or installing solar thermal collectors, test laboratories applying the standard and certification bodies basing certification on it.
Khalid Salmi

Khalid Salmi graduated as a mechanical engineer and holds a Master degree in Renewable Energy engineering. He is actively coordinating the regional implementation and execution of RCREEE’s (Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency) standardization and certification programs, especifically SHAMCI (Solar Heating Arab Mark and Certification Initiative), the first certification scheme for solar thermal products and services in the Arab region, and PA-CEMP (Pan Arab Certified Energy Management Professional Program) the first standardized in-depth professional certification program for arab energy managers.
Khalid will speak about the different levels of solar certification under the GSCN covering all countries worldwide, mainly the similarities and differences between SHAMCI and Solar Keymark schemes.

IEA SHC Solar Academy
The SHC Solar Academy is the latest effort by the IEA SHC Programme to share it’s work and support R&D and implementation of solar heating and cooling projects worldwide. The academy includes webinars by IEA SHC experts on specific results and tools and hosted by ISES, videos highlighting IEA SHC's work and other relevant issues, national days for the exchange of information between national experts and IEA SHC experts and onsite training by IEA SHC experts is offered by request in IEA SHC member countries.
Please find more information on the IEA SHC academy here