Renewable district heating – Small local grids and cooperative utilities
Wednesday, 26. October 2016
2:00 to 3:30 PM
The webinar duration is 1:30 hours.

Renewable district heating – Small local grids and cooperative utilities

District heating based on local renewable energy sources is becoming more and more an appealing solution for small communities in search of energy independence and of a stable price for their thermal energy supply. Such solutions often foresee a strong and direct involvement of the customers who could even own, at the same time, their heating grid by constituting a cooperative company to run the business. Examples of such district heating approach, already quite common in Denmark and Germany, are now spreading quickly around Europe. The webinar will present the most exciting, recent and inspiring stories to show how consumers can take the lead in the transition towards a clean and sustainable future.

Webinar presentations

Webinar presentation by Per Aley Sorensen
Webinar presentation by Oliver Miedaner


Per Alex Sørensen

Per Alex Sørensen - More than 30 years' experience within district heating, energy planning, energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Denmark and abroad. Mr. Sørensen's experience covers all aspects of energy planning, design and implementation of renewable energy systems, mostly as project manager for projects involving a number of companies and very often including local work groups. Alternate member of IEA ECES (Energy Conservation through Energy Storages) executive committee, Chairman of the FlexEnergi cluster

Oliver Miedaner (Dipl.-Ing.)

Oliver Miedaner (Dipl.-Ing.) is working as scientist for Solites – Steinbeis Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems in Stuttgart since 2010. From 2004 to 2010 he studied mechanical engineering at the University of Stuttgart and graduated with focus on energy systems in May 2010. At Solites he is working on various national and EU-projects in the field of know-how transfer and market introduction of renewable energies in the heating sector. The focus is on integrating large-scale solar heating plants, other renewable energy sources and thermal energy storages in district heating systems.

Per Kristensen

Per Kristensen has graduated as electrical power engineer and has previously worked within the electricity production and distribution sector. From 2002 to 2013, he has been a director of Brædstrup District Heating Company in Denmark. Brædstrup District Heating Company was the first district heating plant in Denmark, which combined large scale solar with CHP. In 2013, Per Kristensen started his own consultant company where he is assessing applications for public financial support for energy projects, he is a consultant for energy projects and he helps municipalities with strategic energy planning. In addition, Per Kristensen is representing a cooperation of district heating companies and municipalities in different contexts. Finally, he represents the consulting company PlanEnergi in the EU-program SDHp2m and the Danish Nature Agency in different projects.

Riccardo Battisti

Riccardo Battisti - He has been working in the energy and environment sector since 1999, after a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Ph.D in Energy at the University of Rome “SAPIENZA”, where he carried out research activities until the end of 2007. From 2005 to the end of 2007, he was Secretary General of Assolterm, the Italian Solar Thermal Industry Association, where he then worked as Policy Advisor. He has been working in Ambiente Italia, a private consultancy company, as Senior Project Manager, since January 2008. His main competencies are in the field of renewable energy, with a specific skill on international projects: He has worked in 15 different European projects, 4 of which on the topic of district heating by renewables. He is the coordinator of the Intelligent Energy Europe “SmartReFlex” project. Finally, he is collaborating with technical journals for writing articles on energy topics, realising about 200 publications.

Additional services

Webinar recording

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Questions and Answers

During the live webinar, there is a "questions and answers" session within the last 10 to 20 minutes. Unfortunately not all questions from participants can be answered in the time-frame of the webinar. However, we collect your questions and the panelists take time to answer them after the live webinar. The answers are then posted in the ISES Members Area, for you to read through in your own time.


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