Renewable district heating and local heat planning
Heat planning at local level is a crucial activity to ensure that renewable energy sources available in the area are adequately exploited, thus creating economic and environmental benefits for the inhabitants.
Even more relevant is the topic of district heating solutions, both for the extension of existing grids and for the development of new systems. A careful local planning should include a detailed cost-benefit analysis which allows the comparison of district heating with individual heating solutions for the consumers.
The webinar will explore this topic by reporting the long-term experience of a Danish Region in the involvement of its Municipalities on heat planning as well as by showing two examples of practical use of heat mapping in cities in Italy and in the UK.
Webinar presentations
Louise Langbak Hansen
Louise Langbak Hansen is working as Development Officer in the Central Denmark Region. Her main focus areas are Renewable Energy, Strategic Energy Planning and District Heating. She facilitates collaboration with the 19 municipalities and different energy actors including heat supply companies within the region. The work includes for instance a common energy strategy, analyses and knowledge sharing used for local energy- and heat planning. She's M.Sc in environmental engineering.
Alice Dénarié
Alice Dénarié started her current work experience at the Energy department of Politecnico di Milano in December 2012 as a research fellow involved in projects on renewable energies, in particular solar thermal plants. Thanks to the involvement in two IEE projects, “SDH plus” and “SmartReFlex”, she’s now working extensively on district heating and integration of renewables in the networks. She’s currently a PhD student at Politecnico di Milano.
Simon Wyke
Simon Wyke has been working in the environmental field since 1997 and has considerable experience of working across a range of environmental issues and sectors, including energy. He moved to the Greater London Authority in 2010.
He is currently a Principal Policy and Programme Officer working on Energy and Climate Change Mitigation from a policy, strategic and programme development perspective. His main areas of work are currently in decentralised energy and district heating and he leads the Greater London Authority’s involvement in the EU CELSIUS project. He continues to be involved in policy development in respect to energy efficiency, spatial planning and the low carbon, resource efficient economy.
Riccardo Battisti
Riccardo Battisti - He has been working in the energy and environment sector since 1999, after a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Ph.D in Energy at the University of Rome “SAPIENZA”, where he carried out research activities until the end of 2007. From 2005 to the end of 2007, he was Secretary General of Assolterm, the Italian Solar Thermal Industry Association, where he then worked as Policy Advisor. He has been working in Ambiente Italia, a private consultancy company, as Senior Project Manager, since January 2008. His main competencies are in the field of renewable energy, with a specific skill on international projects: He has worked in 15 different European projects, 4 of which on the topic of district heating by renewables.
He is the coordinator of the Intelligent Energy Europe “SmartReFlex” project. Finally, he is collaborating with technical journals for writing articles on energy topics, realising about 200 publications.

In cooperation with SmartReFlex
The SmartReFlex project aims at increasing the diffusion of smart and flexible district heating and cooling (DHC) systems, basing on high shares of renewable energy sources (RES), in European cities.
In order to reach this aim, a mixed project consortium was created, including regional authorities, DHC utilities and consultancy partners, which specific high-level skills on RES DHC and on energy planning at local level.
6 regions in 4 countries (DE, IE, IT, ES) will implement legislative and organisational measures for promoting high-RES DHC, also benefitting from the know-how transfer by Denmark.

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