The Local Dimension of the NDCs - 100% Renewable Energy: Comments and Discussion
This webinar is part of the follow-up process of a successful forum organized during COP23 by the Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform together with the German Environment Agency. This forum was designed to breakdown silos and facilitate a dialogue on concerted action between sub-national governments, with a particular focus on moving towards 100% renewable energy. The goal is to escalate the local 100% RE movement that can be particularly observed in industrialised countries to the national level as well as support CVF countries to implement the Marrakesh Vision.
A report on the forum will be launched at the upcoming SB48 event in Bonn, Germany. This webinar will focus on the new report and form a discussion around it with partners from the REN Alliance and the GLobal 100% RE Platform. The audience is invited to also ask questions through the webinar, which will be addressed in an interactive Q&A.
NDC = Nationally Determined Contributions
- Rian Van Staden, Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform (Global 100% RE)
- Stefan Gsänger, World Wind Energy Association (WWEA)
- Miriam Badino (ICLEI)
- Dr. David Renné, International Solar Energy Society (ISES)
- Anna Skowron, World Future Council (WFC)
- Matthis Rogner, International Hydropower Association (IHA)
- Bharadwaj Kummamuru, World Bioenergy Association (WBA)
Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform
The Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform (Global 100%RE) is the first global initiative that advocates 100% renewable energy. Global 100%RE was founded as a joint multistakeholder campaign in 2013 in San Francisco by 10 international organisations: deENet, Fraunhofer ISE, International Geothermal Association (IGA), International Solar Energy Society (ISES), Institute for Sustainable Energy Policy (ISEP), World Bioenergy Association (WBA), World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE), World Future Council (WFC), World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) and Renewables 100 Policy Institute. It emerged from a parliamentary workshop hosted by the World Future Council in the Danish Nordic Folkecenter in October 2012, and following a side-event at COP18 in Doha, Qatar, which was hosted by the REN Alliance. In addition to the founding partners, members of the platform include networks from different sectors and world regions, among them Sierra Club, Climate Action Network International (CAN), ICLEI, Mali Folkecenter, European Renewable Energy Federation, Renewable Cities as well as Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE).
The REN Alliance
The REN Alliance was formed in 2004 during the first International Renewable Energy Conference in Bonn, Germany. The REN-Alliance brings together five renewable industry organizations to promote the use of renewable energy technologies worldwide: the International Hydropower Association, the International Geothermal Association, the International Solar Energy Society, the World Bioenergy Association, and the World Wind Energy Association.
Rian van Staden

Rian van Staden is a former Executive Director of the International Solar Energy Society and has served as a consultant to the renewable energy sector for more than 20 years, with clients on the local, national and international level, covering everything from investment and financing, policy, information and education, technology, advocacy and development. He joined the Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform as Platform Coordinator in January 2018.
Stefan Gsänger

Stefan Gsänger has managed WWEA since its foundation in 2001, making it the voice for wind energy worldwide with today members in more than 100 countries. He is member of the executive committee of the Global100% Renewable Energy Platform, Vice Chair of REN21, and he chairs the IRENA Coalition for Action community energy subgroup.
Anna Skowron

Anna joined the World Future Council as Project Manager for Climate Energy and advocates for the transition towards 100% Renewable Energy. She is identifying best policies to promote RE development in a just manner, benefitting even the most marginalised communities and working to replicate these best policy models. Before joining the WFC, she worked on the Climate Action Network’s 100%RE Campaign.
World Future Council
Dorotheenstraße 15
22301 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 307 09 14 26
E: anna.skowron [at] worldfuturecouncil.org
Mathis Rogner

Mathis is a senior analyst with the International Hydropower Association. Having joined IHA in 2014, his work focuses on building and sharing knowledge on hydropower's role in future clean energy systems, especially with respect to enabling future growth of wind and solar resource into energy grids. He also coordinates IHA's work on the development of the G-res tool, which estimates of site-specific greenhouse gas emissions from reservoirs, including the proportion attributable to hydropower. Mathis represents IHA as the focal point for IRENA's Coalition for Action and the 100% Renewables platform.
Contact: mr [at] hydropower.org
Bharadwaj Kummamuru

Bharadwaj Kummamuru is currently the Executive Director of World Bioenergy Association - an organisation with a mission to promote the sustainable development of bioenergy on a global level and to support the business environment for bioenergy. The organisation has more than 240 members from more than 60 countries comprising companies, associations and individuals in the bioenergy sector. Bharadwaj leads the secretariat located in Stockholm, Sweden and has a background in liquid biofuels, sustainability, data and policy.
Contact: info [at] worldbioenergy.org, +46 8 441 70 84
Dr. David Renné

Dr. Renné has served as President of the International Solar Energy Society since 2010. From 1991 until his retirement in 2012 Dr. Renné managed the solar resource assessment activities at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Since 2012 he is a Senior Consultant to Clean Power Research, a small U.S. Company that develops resource assessment and analytical software tools to support large-scale grid connected solar energy systems, and a consultant to the World Bank, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the Asian Development Bank, and others. He is an Associate Editor of the Solar Energy Journal.