Introducing the Global Solar Council: Enabling Solar to deliver clean power and energy access
The International Solar Energy Society is pleased to present the first webinar of the Global Solar Council (GSC), to be held on Thursday, 25 April at 1:00 PM GMT. Learn from GSC Board Members about solar energy market trends and innovation!
The Global Solar Council (GSC) is an international non-profit association of national, regional and international associations in solar energy and the world‘s leading corporations. The GSC had its official launch at the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) in December 2015 and offers programs in regulatory policy, trade policy, market trends and new market openings and jobs and skills training.
This webinar will present the GSC's vision, work plan, and key activities, and will include a preview of the global market outlook that will soon be released by Solar Power Europe, sample country market reports, and a review on solar technology innovation trends.
ISES is one of the founding members of the GSC, and has a seat on its Board of Directors. ISES also chairs the Council’s Technology Committee.
This is the first in a planned series of webinars to be presented by the GSC several times each year. The 1 1/2-hour webinar, moderated by GSC Board Member Bruce Douglas, features an introduction to the GSC by Board Chairman Pranav Mehta, followed by presentations from Gianni Chianetta, Michael Schmela and Xavier Daval.
The webinar will include a 30 min Q/A section for the audience and a recording will be made available.
David Renné - Moderator

David Renné is the ISES President since 2010 and also holds a seat on the Global Solar Council Board of Directors.
Dave also works as Associate Editor of the ISES journal Solar Energy. With his background in atmospheric and environmental sciences, Dr. Renné has focusses his renewable energy career on developing and managing programs related to the assessment of renewable energy resources with a particular emphasis on solar energy resources.
Gianni Chianetta

Gianni Chianetta is the Chair Elect of the Global Solar Council and Vice President as well as Head of International Affairs at ItaliaSolare.
Gianni co-founded the Global Network of National PV Associations (NNPVA) which has been the basis for the Global Solar Council hand has played an important role the successful negotiation of five Feed-in Tariffs for Italy.
Gianni will introduce the GSC and present its policy positions and recommendations.
Michael Schmela

Michael Schmela is Executive Advisor and Head of Market Intelligence at SolarPower Europe where he is the lead author of the annually published Global Market Outlook, jointly operates the Solar & Storage task force, and is responsible for the content of the annual Digital Solar & Storage Conference.
Michael will present a preview on the upcoming 2019 Global Market Outlook.
Xavier Daval

Xavier Daval is the founder and CEO of KiloWattsol, advising on solar PV and storage. Xavier is also Director at the Global Solar Council and Vice President of SER, the French Renewable Energies Industry Association.
In his presentation, Xavier will address the dual stress of a fast growing global population and global warming, imposing a new approach towards energy.
Giving a series of examples of today’s and tomorrow's application such as bi-facial or floating-PV Xavier’s presentation will illustrate some of the technology milestones paving the route of the solar solutions of the future.