IEA SHC Solar Academy: Task 63: Solar Neighborhood Planning (2)
In this webinar, representatives of IEA SHC Task 63 on Solar Neighborhood Planning will discuss solar planning strategies for energy production, daylighting, and thermal comfort. The webinar will highlight the role of tools as a support for the planning and design of neighborhoods, and offer insights into the ongoing research projects of IEA SHC Task 63.
About this webinar:
Please note that this webinar will comprise of two elements - on November 25 at 6 AM GMT/UTC we will jointly watch the broadcast of the webinar presentations as they were held in the original webinar. After this, we will head into a live Q/A session moderated by Bärbel Epp to answer your questions!
For this, two separate registrations will be necessary - one for the webinar broadcast and one for the live Q/A session - please read the instructions below on how to register.
To attend the broadcasted webinar:
- Register via the box on the left side of this homepage
- Join the webinar broadcast on 25 November at 6 AM GMT/UTC
To attend the live Q/A session:
- To attend the Q/A session after the broadcasted webinar, register via this link which will also be sent to you upon completion of your initial registration
- Join the Q/A session on 25 November at 7 AM GMT/UTC via this second link
Please note that only completing your registration for the Q/A session will allow you to join this part of the webinar for live interaction with the moderator and speakers.
Bärbel Epp - Moderator

Bärbel Epp is the founder and managing director of the German consultancy solrico. She is responsible for the international newsletter of the web portal www.solarthermalworld.org, reporting exclusively about market and technology trends in the solar heating and cooling sector globally. solrico also created the first online World Map of SHIP suppliers (SHIP = Solar Heat for Industrial Processes) and carries out surveys among the around 80 companies listed on the world map annually. For six years Bärbel Epp is the SHC chapter author of the annual Global Status Report on Renewables published by REN21. Bärbel Epp graduated in Physics at the University of Oldenburg, Germany.
Maria Wall

Maria Wall is an Associate Professor at the Division of Energy and Building Design at Lund University in Sweden, the project manager (Operating Agent) for IEA SHC Task 63 on Solar Neighborhood Planning, and the former Operating Agent of IEA SHC Task 51 on Solar Energy in Urban Planning. She is also a member of the ISES Board of Directors and Executive Committee (2020-2021).
Maria will present an overview of IEA SHC Task 63 on solar neighborhood Planning.
Caroline Hachem-Vermette

Caroline Hachem-Vermette is an Associate Professor at the University of Calgary. Her research area includes the investigations of solar potential and energy implications of building shapes, building envelope design, developing multifunctional facades for multistory buildings, and multifunctional energy-efficient neighborhood patterns. Her research is multidisciplinary, it plays a bridging role between building engineering and architectural and urban design. She is currently leading the Subtask A of IEA Task 63, on developing strategies for net-zero energy solar communities, and was an expert member in IEA Task 51 on solar energy in urban planning, and IEA Task 41 on solar energy in architecture. She will present the main work done up to now in Subtask A.
Silvia Croce

Silvia Croce is a Post-Doc researcher at the Institute for Renewable Energy, Eurac Research (Italy). She is a building engineer /architect by training and holds a PhD in Engineering at the University of Padova. Her research work aims at gaining insights into solutions for an integrated design of the urban built and natural environment, with a focus on outdoor microclimate, thermal comfort, energy savings, and renewable energy production.
Silvia will present the work being developed in sub-task B “Economic strategies and stakeholder engagement” of the IEA SHC Task 63, which she is co-leading together with Daniele Vettorato (Eurac Research).
Jouri Kanters

Jouri Kanters is an Associate Professor at the Division of Energy and Building Design at Lund University in Sweden. He is an educated architect and holds a PhD of Lund University. Jouri’s main research interests are on the integration of solar energy in cities and circular building design.
Martin Thebault

Martin Thebault is a CNRS researcher at the LOCIE laboratory (Chambery). He is a mechanical engineer and holds a PhD from UNSW-Sydney and University of Lyon. His research focusses on applying thermal and fluid sciences to the deployment of solar energy in the urban environment.
Jouri and Martin will present the work being conducted within STC “ Solar planning tools”.

IEA SHC Solar Academy
The SHC Solar Academy is the latest effort by the IEA SHC Programme to share its work and support R&D and implementation of solar heating and cooling projects worldwide. The academy includes webinars by IEA SHC experts on specific results and tools and hosted by ISES, videos highlighting IEA SHC's work and other relevant issues, national days for the exchange of information between national experts and IEA SHC experts and onsite training by IEA SHC experts is offered by request in IEA SHC member countries.
Please find more information on the IEA SHC academy here.