IEA SHC Solar Academy: Solar Heating and Cooling Markets, Trends and Outlook (1)
About this webinar:
This June, the IEA SHC Solar Academy webinar will look at developments and trends in the global solar thermal market in 2022 and presents interesting major projects that are being implemented worldwide in 2023.
Furthermore, there will be a focus on applications in the field of solar industrial process heat. In addition to the current market developments, challenges and trends will be highlighted and process heat systems that have been implemented in France will be presented.
The webinar will welcome the following presenters:
Werner Weiss (AEE INTEC, Austria) - Solar heat worldwide in 2022 and large-scale plants currently being implemented worldwide
Bärbel Epp (solrico, Germany) - The global industrial solar heat market: challenges, trends and outlook
Nicolas Graveline (NewHeat, France) - Operation experience with SHIP projects in France and Croatia and insight into the critical development phases of approval and subsidies
The webinar will be moderated by Pedro Dias, Policy Director at Solar Heat Europe.
Q/A Session: This 90-minute webinar will include a 30-minute Q/A session and a recording of the webinar will be available online afterwards.
The webinar is organised by the Solar Academy of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme and hosted by ISES, the International Solar Energy Society.
Special announcement - Webinar re-run on 22 June 2023
ISES and the IEA SHC Solar Academy are happy to announce that this webinar will be broadcast again on 22 June 2023 at 6 AM GMT/UTC to accommodate our global audience, especially from Australia and Asia. The broadcast webinar will then be followed by a separate live Q/A with the webinar speakers starting at 7.15 AM GMT/UTC.
To learn more and register for the webinar on 22 June, please visit this page.
Werner Weiss

Werner WEISS is a founding member of the Austrian research institute AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC) in Gleisdorf. He was the Director of the institute until February 2020 and is now a Member of the board. Werner has been working in national and international solar thermal and energy efficiency projects since the beginning of the 1980ies and headed numerous national and international projects – especially in the framework of EU, IEA and UNIDO programs. Since 2010 he is the Austrian representative in the Executive Committee of the Solar Heating and Cooling Programme of the International Energy Agency (IEA). From 2010 to 2014 he acted as chairman of this IEA programme. Since 2007 he is a Lecturer at the Vienna University of Technology.
Bärbel Epp

Bärbel Epp is the founder and managing director of the German consultancy solrico. She is responsible for the international newsletter of the web portal www.solarthermalworld.org, reporting exclusively about market and technology trends in the solar heating and cooling sector globally. solrico also created the first online World Map of SHIP suppliers (SHIP = Solar Heat for Industrial Processes, see www.solar-payback.com/suppliers) and carries out surveys among the around 70 companies listed on the world map annually. Bärbel Epp graduated in Physics from the University of Oldenburg, Germany.
Nicolas Graveline

Nicolas Graveline, an Engineer in energy and environment, worked in the water treatment sector in France, Germany, Australia and Indonesia between 2005 and 2011 and has since switched to project development in energy efficiency and renewable energy production, focusing on getting these types of projects financially viable (subsidies, carbon pricing mechanism, white certificates, debt, ESCO model). He joined Newheat as Head of International Development Director in 2021.
Pedro Dias (Moderator)

Pedro Dias is a passionate advocate for the decarbonisation of heating and cooling systems, particularly since he joined Solar Heat Europe/ESTIF back in 2008. As the former Secretary General and current Policy Director at Solar Heat Europe, he has been devoted to advancing the potential of solar thermal energy in Europe.
Webinar organiser
IEA SHC Solar Academy
The SHC Solar Academy is the latest effort by the IEA SHC Programme to share its work and support R&D and implementation of solar heating and cooling projects worldwide. The academy includes webinars by IEA SHC experts on specific results and tools and hosted by ISES, videos highlighting IEA SHC's work and other relevant issues, national days for the exchange of information between national experts and IEA SHC experts and onsite training by IEA SHC experts is offered by request in IEA SHC member countries.
Please find more information on the IEA SHC academy here.