IEA PVPS Task 16 - All Sky Imagers Benchmarking
In this webinar, the existing and advancing solar nowcasting techniques with the use of all-sky imagers (ASIs) are presented and evaluated. For this, a benchmarking exercise has been carried out, at CIEMATS’s Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA) in southern Spain, focusing on state-of-the-art surface solar irradiance nowcastings derived from ASIs. The speakers will identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the implemented algorithms and evaluate the ASI-based nowcast performance under various cloud conditions, time horizons, and against typical reference nowcast models. The analyses reveal the feasibility of ASIs to reliably nowcast GHI and estimate solar power at distant times or detect sudden GHI fluctuations.
The webinar will welcome the following presenters:
- Jan Remund - Meteotest (Switzerland)
- Bijan Nouri - DLR Institute of Solar Research (Spain)
- Stavros Logothetis - University of Patras (Greece)
- Andreas Kazantzidis - University of Patras (Greece)
The webinar will be moderated by ISES Immediate President Dave Renné.
The duration of the webinar is 90 minutes and the webinar will include a Q/A session for the audience to ask their questions to the presenters. The recording of the webinar as well as the presentations given will be made available to ISES Members after the webinar.
Jan Remund

Jan Remund has a background of Geography and Climatology and since more than 20 years he works at the SME Meteotest in Berne, Switzerland. He is the Project Lead of the global solar radiation database Meteonorm and the Operating Agent of the IEA PVPS Task 16 since 2017.
Presentation: Introduction to Task 16
Stavros Logothetis

Stavros-Andreas Logothetis graduated from the Department of Physics of the University of Patras in 2017. He received his M.Sc. in the field of “Applied Meteorology and Environmental Physics” from the University of Patras, Greece, in 2019. Since then, he has been a Ph.D. Candidate at the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Patras. He has five years of experience in solar energy and applications, radiative transfer modeling, satellite and ground-based observations, and aerosol and cloud physics. His main research activities focus on solar radiation transfer in the atmosphere, investigating the effect of aerosols and clouds on solar resource and nowcasting. He participated in the PANhellenic Infrastructure for Atmospheric Composition and climatE chAnge (PANACEA) project, where he gained experience in the analysis of aerosol observations from remote sensing instruments and models. He also participated in IEA PVPS Task 16, where he gained experience in the data analysis of solar irradiance nowcasts originating from various all-sky imager systems.
Dave Renné - Moderator

David Renné served as President of the International Solar Energy Society from 2010 - 2019 and now holds the position of ISES Immediate Past President on the ISES Executive Committee. From 1991 until his retirement in 2012, Dave managed the solar resource assessment activities at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). In 2012, he formed the consultancy Dave Renne Renewables. He is dedicated to the concept of urgently achieving 100% renewable energy to meet all of our end use energy requirements as the best solution to the climate crisis.
Bijan Nouri

Bijan Nouri received his Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering from the RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Since 2011, he works for the DLR Institute of Solar Research in Almería Spain. His research focuses on thermal qualification of concentrated solar thermal power plants, solar irradiance nowcasting and solar power plant modelling.
Presentation: Combined Physical and Deep Learning Model for Improved Solar Irradiance Nowcasts Using All-Sky Imagers
Andreas Kazantzidis

Andreas Kazantzidis is the Director of the Atmospheric Physics Laboratory and Professor at the Physics Department at the University of Patras, Greece. His main research activities focus on the transfer of solar radiation in the atmosphere and the effect of various atmospheric parameters, such as clouds and air particles. Particular emphasis is put on solar resource and forecasting with extensive use of radiative transfer models in synergy with ground-based images and measurements as well as satellite estimations. Andreas is the co-leader of Activity 3.4 (Forecasts based on all-sky images) in IEA PVPS Task 16.