The Global Status of Renewables - REN21's 2019 Global Status Report
This June, ISES is happy to once again welcome REN21 to introduce their annual Renewabels Global Status Report for 2019. The GSR is REN21’s flagship publication that tracks worldwide trends and developments in renewable energy policy, markets and industries, energy access and contemporary issues, including system integration of renewables.
Project Manager and Analyst at REn21, Duncan Gibb, will give an overview of the 2019 GSR, setting the ground for introducing the leading role solar has had in the renewable energy uptake during 2018 and will showcase the developments and policies implemented worldwide.
The webinar will last 1 hour and include a Q/A session for the audience in which we welcome you to send in your questions.
The recording of the webinar as well as the presentation given will be made available after the webinar - ISES members can access these resources long term via the ISES webinar archive.
Duncan Gibb - Speaker REN21

Duncan Gibb, Project Manager and Analyst at REN21 will introduce the findings of this year's 2019 Global Status Report. With his background in Renewable Energy Management, Duncan is key to producing the GSR at Ren21 and focusses his work on the research and analysis of renewable energy technologies, systems and markets with a special focus on renewable heating and cooling.
Arabella Liehr - Moderator

Happy to welcome this webinars speaker and audience as webinar moderator is ISES Communications and Outreach Officer Arabella Liehr. Having graduated from Goldsmiths College at the University of London, Arabella brings her background in political science to the realm of solar and renewable energy following her research focus on democratic and sustainable societal processes. Arabella has joined the ISES team in 2018, working on the ISES webinars, outreach and publications, congresses and the ISES monthly newsletter.