Global Status of Renewable Energy 2017
This webinar will discuss key findings from the REN21 Renewables 2017 Global Status Report and the Renewables Global Futures report.
The 2017 edition of the REN21 Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) reveals a global energy transition well under way, with record new additions of installed renewable energy capacity, rapidly falling costs, particularly for solar PV and wind power, and the decoupling of economic growth and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for the third year running. Innovative and more sustainable ways of meeting our energy needs – through better-integrated sectoral planning, the adoption of exciting new business models and the more creative use of enabling technologies – are accelerating the paradigm shift away from a world run on fossil fuels.
Download the full Global Status of Renewable Energy 2017 report in several languages, infographics and highlights on the website:
Download the Global Futures Report here:
REN21 is a multi-stakeholder network that spans the private and public sectors. Collectively this network of renewable energy, energy access and
energy efficiency experts shares its insight and knowledge, helping the REN21 Secretariat produce its annual Renewables Global Status Report as well as regional reports. Today the network has over 800 active contributors and reviewers.
These experts engage in the GSR process, giving their time, contributing data and providing comment in the peer review process. The result of this collaboration is an annual publication that has established itself as the world’s most frequently referenced report on the global renewable energy market, industry and policy landscape
Webinar Presentations (available for logged in members)
Webinar recording (available for logged in members)
Webinar presentations
Christine Lins

Christine Lins was appointed as Executive Secretary of REN21, the Renewable Energy Policy Network of the 21st Century, in July 2011. REN21 is a global public-private multi-stakeholder network on renewable energy, headquartered at UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme in Paris/France. Between 2001 and 2011, Ms. Lins served as Secretary General of the European Renewable Energy Council, the united voice of Europe’s renewable energy industry in Brussels. Previously, she worked in a regional energy agency in Austria promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. She has a Masters degree in international economics and holds more than 20 years of working experience in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Dr. Sven Teske

Dr Sven Teske is a Research Principle at the Institute for Sustainable Futures. Dr Teske has 20 years experience in technical analysis of renewable energy systems and market integration concept. He has published over 50 special reports about renewable energies like the global 100% renewable energy scenario “Energy [R]evolution”, a grid analysis for the Chinese province Jiangsu in cooperation with the China State Grid Company and a 100% renewable energy pathway for Australia. Since 2015, Sven worked on research projects for new business concepts for decentralised renewables (Local Network Credits), storage concepts for high renewable penetration in Australian power grids (ACOLA), development of high renewable energy pathways for G20 countries for a IEA/IRENA project and the REN21 “Global Futures Report” a global survey that involved interviews with 120 leading energy experts about possible energy sector developments.
Joanna Costello - moderator

Joanna is the Deputy Executive Secretary at the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) headquarters in Freiburg, Germany. She will be the webinar moderator. During the live webinar, you may type your questions for the panelist speakers in the "Questions" planel of GoToWebinar. Please state who your question is directed to and Joanna will read as many as possible during a Q&A session after the webinar presentations.