Geothermal Underground Storage for Solar Applications
With the summer being in full swing in Europe and the ISES HQ in Freiburg enjoying wonderful sunny days, winter seems to be far far away. But as we have learned, winter so very famously IS coming…
For this months webinar, ISES is very happy to announce that we will be having two expert speakers on the topic of geothermal underground storage solutions for solar applications joining us from Sweden, introducing us to technologies of saving and storing solar energy underground for these cold days to come.
But the benefits of this technique do not stop there – the stored energy can be used for cooling in warm climates just as well.
We will hear how the usage of the underground as a storage medium for thermal energy is a cost effective way to store large amounts of energy over longer periods and the presentations will give a picture of different underground thermal energy storage applications, their current use and potential around the world.
We will be joined by José Acuna and Signhild Gehlin introducing us to geothermal storage solutions as well as presenting the current R&D in this field of research, and we are especially happy to have the opportunity of ISES board member Viktoria Marint joining us as the moderator of this webinar.
Registration is now open here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3720201283570384641
Questions? - Contact us at public.relations [at] ises.org
ISES is very proud to host this webinar publically and free for everybody to join!
José Acuna

Dr. José Acuña has a MSc in Mechanical Engineering (2008) and a PhD degree in Energy Technology (2013), both from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Dr. Acuña has been active in the academy and the industry since he was a PhD student. In 2014, Dr. Acuña joined forces with the well-known Swedish consortium Bengt Dahlgren AB and founded the company Bengt Dahlgren Geoenergi, acting since then as CEO and technical leader of a group today consisting of 8 employees, all of them working with Ground Source Heat Pumps and Under Ground Thermal Energy Storage. As a part time employee at KTH, Dr Acuña currently works as co-supervisor of PhD student projects and lectures on the advanced heat pump course.
Signhild Gehlin

Signhild Gehlin works as a technical expert at the Swedish Geoenergy Center in Sweden. She graduated as Engineer in Environmental Planning and Design at Luleå University of Technology, and holds a PhD in Water Resources Engineering from Luleå University of Technology. Her research has focused on thermal response test (TRT), undergound thermal energy storage and ground source heat pump systems. She is a subtask leader of IEA ECES Annex 27 ”Quality Management of Design, Construction and maintenance of borehole systems”, and Operating Agent of IEA HPT Annex 52 ”Long-term measurements of GSHP system performance in commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings”.
Viktoria Martin - webinar moderator

Dr. Viktoria Martin is Professor in Energy Technology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. A graduate from KTH (MSc in Chemical Engineering 1993) and the University of Florida (PhD in Mechanical Engineering 1998), she has pursued a career in international research collaborations within the International Energy Agency as well as the EU, providing insight into a variety of leading research and education arenas. Dr. Martin has over 25 years of experience in education, research, and entrepreneurship in the area of sustainable energy, with special focus on thermal energy storage and heat driven heat pumping technology. She is the author/co-author of 100+ publications within her research area. Equally important to research is her work on high quality education within the field, and she is presently the director of a two-year MSc degree programme in Sustainable Energy Engineering with participants from all over the world.
Webinar Sponsor
Thank you to our webinar sponsor Bengt Dahlgren Geoenergi.
Founded in 2014, Bengt Dahlgren Geoenergi focusses on Ground Source Heat Pumps and Under Ground Thermal Energy Storage. Services include preliminary investigations such as the mapping of the energy demand and the geological prerequisites as well as dimensioning, construction and operation.
For more information, please visit https://bengtdahlgren.se/bdabservice/energi-miljo/energi/geoenergi/