Extended Early Bird Registration for EuroSun 2016 - Deadline is now 22 July
Register online at discount early bird rates for EuroSun 2016 until 22 July. EuroSun 2016, International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry, takes place in Palma (Mallorca), Spain on 11-14 October 2016.
Register Online at the EuroSun 2016 website before Friday, 22 July for discounted early-bird rates.
Program Highlights
Technical Tours:
Solar Thermal Tour - The thermal tour begins with a visit to the University hospital “Son Espases”, the largest solar thermal plant on the Islands with 365 vacuum tube collectors, covering 70% of the hot water demand. The hospital also has 640 PV panels with a total power of 166,40 KWp.
The tour will continue to the University of the Balearic Island's (UIB), “Parc Bit”, the largest district heating and cooling of the Balearic Island's. Before lunch, the tour group will visit a new solar energy system with heat pump (200 m2 and new storage tanks).
Renewable Electricity Tour - TIRME and SON REUS. This tour includes a visit to the biggest solid urban waste plant of the Balearic Islands (in operation since 1993). The tour group will see two incineration plants (about 20 MW each), a biogas plant 1 MW and a 100 kWp photovoltaic roof, wind turbines and other facilities (including a power station of 300 MW with gas turbines).
Tour details are available on the website and will be updated soon.
Forums at EuroSun 2016
The EuroSun 2016 programme will include two special forums taking place on 12 and 13 October featuring experts as panelist speakers and moderators. The forums will include Q&A with the audience.
Solar Energy Research and Innovation Projects in Europe: Strategies and Resources
This forum will explore what research topics need to be promoted to successfully develop renewables and particularly solar technologies, as well as the best mechanisms for financing these developments at the European and national levels.
Moderator: José Gonzaléz-Aguilar, Secretary of the Asociación Española de Energía Solar, IMDEA Energía, Spain
- Eicke Weber, Director of Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems and ISES Vice President, Germany
- Christine Lins, Executive Secretary of REN 21, France
- Piero de Bonis, Officer European Commission (TBC)
- Daniel Mugnier, Director of R&D at TECSOL SA, France
Solar Energy in Europe in the Current Market Development Situation
What are the best commercial and financial strategies to continue developing renewable energies in a context of low energy costs and declining public incentives? This forum will explore this question and other issues shaping our energy markets, such increased shares of renewable energy and costs of back-up and storage systems.
Moderator: Wolfgang Streicher, Professor Innsbruck University, Australia
- Christian Holter, Managing Director, SOLID, Austria
- Ken Guthrie, Chair, IEA Solar Heating & Cooling Implementing Programme, Australia
- Adel El Gammal, Director, Becquerel Institute, Belgium
- Robin Welling, President, TiSUN GmbH & President of ESTIF
Selection of Speakers:
- Dr. Hans Martin Henning - Pathways to transform the German energy system by 2050
- Prof. Wolfgang Scheffler - Scheffler reflectors for steam generation, from process heat to power
- Prof. Wim van Helden - Seasonal thermal storage
- Prof. Luisa Cabeza - Potential of the solar heat for industrial processes in Spain
- Prof. Mohamed Mehdi Farid - Energy storage
- Michel Haller - Innovative combinations of solar energy and heat pumps
- Prof. Klaus Vajen - Solar energy education
- Prof. Jan Tywoniak - Overall solutions for zero-energy buildings in the changing world
- Dr N.J. (Ned) Ekins-Daukes - Efficiency limits for solar energy conversion and the opportunity for hybrid PV thermal collectors
- Maria Cristina Munari Probst - Solar architecture