Renewable Transformation Challenge 2025 - Get ready to apply!

On 01 March 2025, Elsevier and ISES will be happy to launch the next installement of the Renewable Transformation Challenge (RTC) - get ready to apply to win 20.000€ to support your transformative renewable energy project!
The Renewable Transformation Challenge 2025 has set out to recognize accomplishments by organizations such as private enterprises, NGOs, and research institutions for undertaking projects and programs that help move the world toward an energy system supplied entirely by renewable energy sources, or for conducting the critical analyses that provide meaningful roadmaps for the transformation.
Who can apply?
Applications for the Challenge are invited from organizations who can demonstrate that they have established successful projects, innovative technologies, financing schemes, policy initiatives, or renewable energy programs, or from institutions that have undertaken research and analyses and identified solutions that demonstrate how this goal is being met. The Challenge can include either supply side (energy generation for end-use energy consumption) or demand side (including energy efficiency) programs, or both, and applicants may address any or all of the end-use energy sectors mentioned above.
Innovative ideas will be given preference over incremental improvement projects.
The Challenge is not a funding body and applications still in the conceptual stage with little supporting evidence of viability are unlikely to proceed past the first evaluation phase.
Details of how the application supports the 100% renewable energy transformation must be very clear.
The winning proposal will be the one that best demonstrates a contribution to the transformation to a world powered by renewable energy and that has potential to widen access to energy, particularly in developing countries.
Learn more about the challenge and how to apply here!
What to win?
The winning project will be awarded a prize of 20.000€ to further their project and will have the chance to present their work at this year's ISES Solar World Congress 2025. Additionally, the winners will receive one live-time membership of ISES.
Important Dates
Important Dates:
01 March 2025: Application opens
30 April 2025: Deadline for all submissions - no extensions possible!
June 2025. Top 10 Projects announced
01 September 2025: Winner announced
04 - 07 November 2025: Winner awarded at ISES Solar World Congress 2025 in Fortaleza, Brazil
About the Renewable Transformation Challenge
The Renewable Transformation Challenge, launched in 2017, aims to honor and showcase outstanding work that actively supports the transformation to a world powered by renewable energy and has potential to widen access to energy, particularly in developing countries. The challenge was open to individuals and organizations in both not-for-profit and commercial sectors worldwide.
The winning project will receive 20.000€ in prize money, an ISES Gold Lifetime Membership and one free registration to the ISES Solar World Congress 2025 were the prize will be awarded in the congress award ceremony.
Applications for the 2025 Renewable Transformation Challenge open on 01 March and the deadline for all submissions is 30 April 2025.