Global Partners

An important strategic activity of the Society is engaging in strategic partnerships with like minded organisation at all levels.  ISES works closely with a number of partner organisations around the world, together with our Members and Sections, these partners form a strong global alliance for advancing renewable energy. ISES is also a member and/or founding member of other international organizations. 

American Council on Renewable Energy

Founded in 2001, the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) is a 501 (c)(3) national nonprofit organization that unites finance, policy and technology to accelerate the transition to a renewable energy economy.

Climate Action Network - International

The Climate Action Network (CAN) is a worldwide network of over 1100 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in more than 120 countries, working to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels.

CAN members work to achieve this goal through information exchange and the coordinated development of NGO strategy on international, regional, and national climate issues. CAN has regional network hubs that coordinate these efforts around the world. CAN members place a high priority on both a healthy environment and development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (Brundtland Commission). CAN's vision is to protect the atmosphere while allowing for sustainable and equitable development worldwide.

Energy Storage Partnership ESP

ISES is proud to be part of the Energy Storage Partnership ESP.

To enable the rapid uptake of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) in developing countries, the World Bank Group convened the Energy Storage Partnership (ESP)¸ a global initiative involving national laboratories, research institutions, development agencies, and philanthropies. The ESP aims to foster international technological cooperation and training to develop and adapt to new energy storage solutions tailored to the needs and conditions of developing countries. The partnership is also committed to closing gender gaps in the energy storage sector by fostering the professionalization and leadership of women through the Women in Energy Storage (WES) mentoring program in partnership with Global Women’s Network for Energy Transition (GWNET).


Website ESP

Global Solar Council

The International Solar Energy Society (ISES) is a founding member of the Global Solar Council, launched at the COP 21 climate change meeting in Paris.

The worlds leading regional and national solar associations have come together to accelerate the uptake of solar technology across the globe.

The Global Solar Council strives to convey 3 Key Messages about solar power:

  • Solar power is already one of the cheapest forms of electricity globally
  • Solar power is everywhere, and alleviates poverty, especially in rural areas
  • To avoid a greater than 2ºC increase in global temperatures, we must strongly accelerate the deployment of solar power.

In 2015, solar accounted for about 1% of global power generation. Together we are targeting 10% global solar power by 2030.

At the launch of the Global Solar Council, ISES president Dr. David Renné stated: "The International Solar Energy Society has been strongly supporting R&D and technical innovation in the development of solar energy for over 60 years.  As a member of the Board of the Global Solar Council, we are very pleased for this opportunity to work with solar industry associations from around the world to continue our support in the advancement of these technologies, and to ensure their commercial success and mainstream application."

The principal members of the Global Solar Council include Australia, China, Europe, India and other Asian countries, Middle East, South America and the US.

Click here to view the Global Solar Council flyer.

Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition

GWNET, the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition, is a global network aiming at empowering women working in sustainable energy in both developed and emerging/developing countries at different career levels from both the public and private sector. Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) is an international non-profit organization founded in 2017 under Austrian law.  GWNET’s mission is to advance the global energy transition by connecting and empowering women through interdisciplinary networking, advocacy, training, coaching and mentoring. Further information and membership:

ISES and GWNET signed a Memorandum of Understanding, formalizing their important cooperation in strengthening women in the field of renewable energy in October 2018.

IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme

The IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (PVPS) is one of the collaborative R&D Agreements established within the IEA and, since its establishment in 1993, the PVPS participants have been conducting a variety of joint projects in the application of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy into electricity. ISES and IEA PVPS have organized webinars and publications together.

IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme

The International Solar Energy Society is a sponsor of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA’s) Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC) Programme. This development offers expanded opportunities for ISES members to participate in technical activities under the SHC Programme, and places ISES at the SHC table as a member of its Executive Committee.The Solar Heating and Cooling Programme was established in 1977, one of the first programmes of the International Energy Agency. The Programme's work is unique in that it is accomplished through the international collaborative effort of experts from Member countries, Sponsor organizations and the European Union.

International Renewable Energy Alliance

ISES is a proud member of the International Renewable Energy Alliance (REN Alliance), which was founded in 2004 at the Renwables conference in Bonn with the goal to enhance policy and information on renewable energy as well as to provide a combined voice for the renewable energy community research, business and industry.  The Alliance seeks to provide comity and synergy among the existing international renewable energy-related organisations in such a way as to build strength and achieve progress through the sum of its parts.

The REN Alliance aims to provide the potential for a united voice on renewable energy issues and interests among global leaders in the renewable energy community and respective national and international associations.

The Alliance is made up of the following partners:

  • International Geothermal Association (IGA)
  • International Hydropower Association (IHA)
  • International Solar Energy Society (ISES)
  • World Bioenergy Association (WBA)
  • World Wind Energy Association (WWEA)

IRENA Coalition for Action

In January 2014, IRENA and 35 leading players in renewable energy from around the world jointly established a Coalition for Action to bolster public support for renewable energy. The Coalition primarily aims to promote the wider and faster uptake of renewable energy technologies by improving the public’s understanding of the advantages and benefits.
Ensuring full public confidence in renewable energy technologies has emerged as a key factor for fast-tracking their deployment, which is vital to achieve a sustainable energy future. The Coalition for Action aims to communicate clear, truthful messages on renewable energy with the public and decision makers around the world through a wide range of channels, including web portals, media articles, publications, social networks and public dialogue. ISES became a member of the IRENA Colalition for Action in December 2016.

Power for All

Power for All advances renewable, decentralized electrification solutions as the fastest, most cost-effective and sustainable approach to universal energy access. Power for All:

Unifies the voice of the “beyond the grid” companies and organizations to advocate for specific supportive financial and policy enablers.

Mobilizes the broader sector—manufacturers, distributors, consumers—to de-position fossil-fuel-centric “business as usual” approaches to addressing energy access.

Proactively positions renewable, decentralized energy as premium-quality, climate- resilient products and services that enable a wide-range of productive uses for the global community.

ISES became a supporter of the Power for All campaign in December 2016.


Made up of a worldwide community of players from governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations, industry, science and academia, REN21 is a global network providing high-quality, up-to-date information to shape the energy debate.

REN21 is driven by a deep commitment to a sustainable energy future. Building on knowledge and data, REN21 changes the way we think about renewables, informing decision making and shaping the future.

The International Solar Energy Society has been partnering with REN21 for many years and on a wide array of topics - a special highlight is the yearly joint webinar introducing the latest REN21 Global Status Report.

Renewable Energy Solutions for the Mediterranean

Renewable Energy Solutions for the Mediterranean - RES4MED - is a non-profit Association established in 2012 as a network of utilities, industries, agencies, technical service providers, research institute and academia engaged in promoting clean energy solutions in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries. RES4MED's mission is to support the deployment of renewable energy - both large scale and distributed energy - and energy efficiency solutions and their integration in the local and regional markets to satisfy local energy needs.

At the end of 2015, RES4MED members decided to broaden the geographic scope of the Association towards sub-Saharan Africa in light of the huge potentials and growth opportunities for Africa's renewable energy sector, in order to "export" the successful Euro-Mediterranean cooperation towards the needs of the whole continent.

Solar Cookers International

Solar Cookers International’s (SCI) mission is to spread solar thermal cooking technology to benefit people and environments. The organisation works to solve the problem of inadequate household energy facing nearly 3 billion people on our planet.  Since human health, quality of life, and environments are affected by cooking fuel choices, SCI offer a solution to the difficult choices nearly half of all families make every day: whether to buy fuel, or to buy food and other family needs. The sun’s free energy is a viable solution for all who live where the sun shines. Solar cooker technology is a sustainable and environmentally responsible tool which helps families fight poverty and disease, and changes women’s and children’s lives for the better. 

Solar Cookers International provides information and connects you to the partnerships you need to bring simple, effective and appropriate solar thermal cooking technology to people who are interested in changing their lives by changing their cooking tools.

SolarPower Europe

SolarPower Europe is a member-led association representing organisations active along the whole value chain. Our aim is to shape the regulatory environment and enhance business opportunities for solar power in Europe. 

SolarPower Europes Vision is to ensure that solar energy is the leading contributor to Europe's energy system.

SolarPower Europe's Mission is to shape the regulatory environment to promote the growing market opportunity for solar in Europe.

Valued partners additional

ISES cooperates with a range of of organisations at all levels on different acitivities.

Organisations ISES works with include:

  • Energy Access Practitioner Network
  • United Nations and its various sub-organisations such as the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP)
  • International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
  • International Energy Agency (IEA) - in particular the IEA Solar Heating & Cooling Programme
  • European Union
  • World Council for Rewable Energy
  • Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century - REN 21
  • Universities & Research Institutes
  • Non-governmental organisations
  • Industry and service organisations
  • Governments