COP 27 Side-Event: Stronger Together: Showcasing Success of Renewable Energy Technologies Working for the Energy Transition
A renewable energy transformation is central to addressing major energy supply challenges and meeting climate goals.
International climate change mitigation requires a complete decarbonization of the energy system by mid-century. A radical transformation of the present energy system to a clean, renewable energy system is required to meet the ambitious climate and sustainability goals set in Paris in 2015, as well as to secure our energy supplies. Renewable energy and energy storage technologies working together can also support a just and equitable energy transformation. Fundamental changes to the way energy is supplied, used, stored, transmitted, bought and sold, will be needed. At the very latest by 2050, possibly even earlier, renewable energies should and can supply 100% of our energy needs.
The transformation has already begun; however, we all need to raise ambitions and significantly accelerate the rate of renewables deployment. Renewable and energy storage technologies working together can create resilient systems that can both mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and help adapt to climate change impacts. Together we can create resilient future systems that will decarbonise all energy end-use sectors: power, heating and cooling, and transport.
This event will showcase the strengths of renewable and energy storage technologies and how they can be deployed faster to support a secure energy supply that meets climate goals.
Following the presentations, there will be a 30-minute Q&A session with the panellists and audience.
Location: Room Amon, Blue Zone, Sharm El-Sheikh International Convention Center (SHICC).
Dr. Bertrand Piccard - Solar Impulse Foundation

Bertrand Piccard is the pilot behind Solar Impulse, the first aircraft to fly around the world without a drop of fuel. Through his Solar Impulse Foundation, he has identified over 1,000 solutions that exist today to protect the environment and are financially profitable, and calls on governments to modernize regulation that captures the benefits afforded by these solutions, creating an enabling environment that allows them to scale at the pace required to reach our environmental targets.
Robert Youngberg - International Solar Energy Society

Mr Robert Youngberg, President and Founder, Sustainable Development International - Denver, Colorado, USA, has four decades of experience in consulting, executive, and academic positions in energy research, development, and implementation, government and industry consulting, international presentations, public service, and global energy data modeling and projections for national and global clients. He is an ISES Board Director since January 2022.
Mohamed Helmy, BayWa r.e. ISES Company Member

Mohamed has a B.Sc. in electrical power engineering (2005) and a M.Sc. In renewable energy systems from the Technical University in Berlin. He has several years of experience in engineering, design, installation and commissioning, and over ten years of experience in renewable energies. Mohamed joined BayWa r.e. in 2018, where he is in charge of the development, management and execution of large scale solar as well as hybrid projects across several regions, currently focusing on Africa and the Middle East.
Christian Rokos - World Bioenergy Association

Christian Rakos is the President of the World Bioenergy Association. He previously studied Physics, Philosophy and History. From 1988-1998 he worked at the Institute for Technology Assessment of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. In 1998 he joined the Austrian Energy Agency where he was responsible for renewable energies with a special focus on bioenergy. From 2004 to 2005 he worked at the Irish Renewable Energy Information Office as European projects manager. Since mid 2005 he is executive director of the Austrian Pellet Industry Association “proPellets Austria”. From 2010- 2016 he was president of the European Pellet Council. Besides managing proPellets Austria he is also currently member of the board of directors of the Austrian Biomass Association.
Stefan Gsänger - World Wind Energy Association

Stefan Gsänger has managed WWEA since its foundation in 2001. Under his direction, WWEA has become the voice of the wind sector worldwide, with members in more than 100 countries. WWEA attained Special Consultative Status at the UN. He holds various other positions, including co chair of the Global100% Renewable Energy Platform as well as member of the managing committee of the REN Alliance. He chairs the IRENA Coalition for Action Community Energy Group, and is adviser to governments and international organisations. Mr Gsänger has supervised and co-chaired 20 World Wind Energy Conferences, and has been an invited speaker at conferences in 40 countries. He has published numerous articles and studies and is editor of various publications including the WWEA policy paper series.
Zeeshan Ashfaq - World Wind Energy Association

Zeeshan Ashfaq is the Managing Director - Pakistan for SOWITEC, where he is responsible for strategy development, finding local partnerships, and negotiating with the federal and the provincial governments for renewable energy project development.Zeeshan also represents the World Wind Energy Association in Pakistan and previously co-founded the local chapter of WWEA in the country with a vision to unite wind industry under a single platform.
Julia Souder - Long Duration Energy Storage Council

Julia Souder is Executive Director of the Long Duration Energy Storage Council. Julia has over 22 years of experience in the energy and environmental sectors. She has been a longtime advocate of clean energy technology, working extensively to support environmentally friendly technologies and equitable policies. Previously she held senior positions at the LDES Association of California, National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Clean Line Energy Partners, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and as an entrepreneur at JAS Energies LLC.
Moderator: Dan Delurey

Dan is Senior Fellow for Climate and Energy at Vermont Law School in the United States. He has over 30 years of experience in the electricity industry, with much of it focused on its intersection with climate change. He has held Executive Posts in Utilities and Clean Energy Start-Up Companies and Founded a Consulting Firm that helped shape policy on grid modernization, renewable energy, and climate mitigation. He is a frequent speaker and media contributor on energy and climate issues