Solar Energy Advances: New Highlights
The Editor-in Chief of Solar Energy Advances, Prof. Dionysia Kolokotsa, would like to highlight two recent articles of the journal that she believes to capture the its aim to publish cutting-edge and interdisciplinary research in the solar energy field.
The two papers reflect cutting-edge interdisciplinary research with reports on the technologies to cover the demand for increased efficiency of PVs and on the global potential for solar energy exploitation.
The authors of the first article, "Renewable energy for a green future: Electricity produced from efficient luminescent solar concentrators ", examine how the PVs are assembled, the energy losses from spectral mismatches, and the improvements of their efficiencies by the interconnection of PVs with the luminescent solar concentrator (LSCs). Flexibility, low cost, easy fabrication, and efficiency of PVs coupled with LSCs are the main aspects of the research.
The authors of the second article, "Update 2022 – A fundamental look at supply side energy reserves for the planet ”, update on the solar energy supply using the lens of a metric called Reasonably Assured Recoverable Reserves (RARs). They mention that “solar photovoltaics are capable of meeting 100% of extant global primary energy demand more than 12 times over” , and “under a fully electrified future scenario, solar power could meet global energy demand 27 times over”
All the papers published in the Solar Energy Advances journal are freely available to download on the journal’s website.
Prof. Dionysia Kolokotsa
Technical University of Crete Kounoupidiana, Greece
Editor-in-Chief of Solar Energy Advances