RENAlliance Side Event at Bonn Climate Change Conference - Recording Available on YouTube
Together with our partners from the RENAlliance, ISES participated in an side event at the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference and the recording of the event is now available online.
The event was organized by the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), the World Bioenergy Association (WBA) and ISES and focussed on the world as it is facing two crises both related to energy: the climate crisis and the security crisis, manifested in the war in Ukraine. The evnet underlinded how national energy strategies must focus exclusively on all types of renewable sources for achieving low emission energy and energy independence.
The speakers included experts from the renewable energy sector who presented how renewables can be applied domestically securing the energy supply of all countries around the world, without releasing greenhouse gas emissions and allowing countries to achieve good economic conditions.
ISES was represented by Dr. Dave Renné- please find the recording of the event here.