Supporting Fridays for Future

This Friday, ISES Vice President Eicke Weber, Hans-Josef Fell from the Energy Watch Group and members of FridaysforFuture, ParentsforFuture and ScientistsforFuture all came together for a unique event at the 2019 Intersolar Europe.

All speaking to the urgency of drastic measures bringing forth the energy transformation, the speakers urge the industry, businesses, fellow scientists, the public and especially regional and global decision makers to take the steps necessary to avoid the dangerous Hothouse Scenario.


On occasion of this event, ISES with its more than 60 years of scientific expertise is happy to issue this statement of support for Fridays For Future:

The International Solar Energy Society (ISES) fully supports the Fridays for Future movement (FfF) initiated by Greta Thurnberg in Sweden. FfF, through student actions being taken around the world, demands that adults use their power to immediately address the climate change crisis.

For almost 70 years ISES has advocated for the research, development and deployment that has made solar a mainstream energy source. Now, driven by the urgency to address climate change, ISES is intensifying its outreach and educational efforts to accelerate the necessary and possible transformation to a 100% renewable energy world.

FfF is demanding action on climate change. ISES is advocating for the transformation of the energy system from fossil fuels to carbon-free renewable energy to mitigate climate change. The combined messages of the climate crisis and the renewable energy solution integrated with energy efficiency are a powerful basis for action. ISES, as the global voice for renewable energy, looks forward to supporting FfF in strengthening its voice for immediate climate change action.







Photo Source: International Solar Energy Society