Solar Energy Advances - Call for Papers
ISES and Elsevier are pleased to announce theSE first callS for papers for the new fully open access journal Solar Energy Advances launched by ISES and Elsevier in early 2021.
Solar Energy Advances is a high-quality journal reflecting the work of ISES in transforming our energy production and consumption into a fully renewable system. The new journal will complement the successful ISES Solar Energy Journal, launched in 1957 which remains the flagship scientific journal for solar energy.

Call for Papers for Special Issue on “Future Cities and the Role of Solar Energy”
By 2050 the world’s population is expected to reach 9.8 billion with 6.7 billion people projected to live in urban areas. In such an increasingly urbanizing world, governments and international corporations strive to increase productivity of cities, recognized as economy growth hubs, as well as ensuring better quality of life and living conditions for their citizens. The COVID-19 pandemic showed the extent of citizens’ vulnerability to the recent challenges and shocks. On the other hand these challenges present an opportunity for cities stakeholders to invest in long-term sustainable development and support societal, economic and environmental resilience against recurring natural and man-made disasters.
Furthermore, in the city of the future, energy should be 100 percent covered by renewable energy sources.
The aim of the special issue is to cover sustainability topics for future cities and reveal the role of solar energy and renewables.
Learn more about the topics to be covered and submit your paper here!
Call for Papers for Special Issue on “Solar Systems for Process Heat and Power”
Industrial processes need considerable amounts of heat. Worldwide about 50% of the final energy demand needed is in the form of heat. About half of this is needed by industry, depending on the region. Solar can contribute to covering this huge demand with negligible CO2 emissions. Higher temperatures above 100°C as needed in many processes can be covered by advanced solar technologies like concentrating solar thermal collector systems or photovoltaics with high temperature heat pumps. Concentrating systems may produce temperatures of several hundred degree Celsius from solar radiation. This high exergy output allows a useful integration of solar heat in many industrial processes, heating or cooling networks, even with co-generation of electric power. Although the number of realized projects within industry worldwide is rather limited, feasibility studies and theoretical process optimizations show a high potential. Solar technology is constantly improving and becoming more cost-effective. Examples include new concentrator optics, systems with reduced heat loss, direct steam generation and management, or medium temperature storages. Restrictions due to regulations and limited business model are tackled by new ideas.
This special issue is looking for genuine research results focusing on the latest innovative applications and developments of solar technology for higher temperature applications in industry.
Learn more about the topics to be covered and submit your paper here!
About Solar Energy Advances
Solar Energy Advances will be a high-quality journal reflecting the work of ISES in transforming our energy production and consumption into a fully renewable system. The new journal will complement the successful ISES Solar Energy Journal, launched in 1957, and which remains the flagship scientific journal for solar energy. The journal is led by Editor-in-Chief Professor Denia Kolokotsa (Technical University of Crete, Greece) and an international team of editors.
Solar Energy Advances aims to provide a forum for the presentation of fundamental scientific advances in the understanding on any aspect of solar energy research, development, application, measurement or policy. The journal welcomes the submissions of articles at the forefront of solar energy research, truly advancing the field.
Solar Energy Advances will cover a broad range of themes relevant to solar energy research, development and applications.
Each issue of Solar Energy Advances will focus on specific topics, such as:
- Solar energy systems and applications
- Research and development in solar energy utilisation
- Applications of solar energy measurements, assessments, and forecasting methods
- Planning of active and passive solar energy utilization in urban environments
- Solar energy policy and legislation
- Solar energy markets and public support
- Other direct and indirect applications of solar energy such as energy storage, hybrid systems, sector integration
- Other renewable energy uses
All manuscripts submitted to Solar Energy Advances will be peer reviewed and published based on an evaluation of their academic and methodological validity and robustness of research.