Prof. Shyam Nandwani

Profession / Job Title
Consultant, Promotor and User of Solar Energy.
Retired Professor-Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Areas of Expertise
Technical Solar Domestic Hot Water & Combisystems, Solar Collectors and Hybrid Collectors, Solar Cooking and Food Processing
Organisational Education and Training, Research
Geographic Global, Central American
Short Description
Although have worked (reseach and promotion) on various applications (mainly thermal- water heating, cooking. drying and water purification etc, ) of Solar Energy, however have specialised more on Solar Cooking- have given lectures and/or workshop in 42 countries.
My daily achivements can also be seen in Solar/Renewable Energy in Costa Rica.
My daily achivements can also be seen in Solar/Renewable Energy in Costa Rica.
Education & Qualifications
Ph.D. Physics 1973, India
Publications (Papers, Books, Articles, etc.)
About 80 publications on various aspects of Solar Energy/ Cooking published in journals and conference proceedings
Book- Cocina/ Horno Solar , Construccion Funcionamiento y Usos y Recetas. 1993 and 2004 (Revised Edition, pp.126)
Patent on Solar Cooker (Costa Rica). 1984,
Articles in News papers, TV, Radio etc. (about 300).
Book- Cocina/ Horno Solar , Construccion Funcionamiento y Usos y Recetas. 1993 and 2004 (Revised Edition, pp.126)
Patent on Solar Cooker (Costa Rica). 1984,
Articles in News papers, TV, Radio etc. (about 300).
Language skills
Hindi, English and Spanish. Read, Write and Speak Good in three. .
Honors/Awards Received
1. Associate/Senior Member, the Abdus Salam, ICTP. Trieste, Italy. 1987-2000.
2. Roberto Brenes Mesen Award, UNA,Costa Rica, Feb. 1993. .
3. Recognised by UNDP (USA), ICTP (Italy), TWAS (Italy) for the best practice on Renewable Energy, july 1992.
4. Recognisition for his work as promoter (extensionista), Direccion de Extension, UNA, Costa Rica, May 25, 2010.
5.National Energy Global Award 2008 and also in 2012 (
6. Honorary Ambassador of Energy Globe Foundation (Austria) for Costa Rica. Since 2013.
7. Recognisition my work as promoter (extensionista), UNA, Costa Rica, May 25, 2010.
8. Recognisition/Award Mejoramiento de la Calidad de Vida (Imprving the quality of Life), Costa Rica, Oct. 2015.
9. Honored with: HOnorary Member of Asociacion Costarricense de Energia Solar, ACESOLAR, Nov. 18, 2018.
1. Associate/Senior Member, the Abdus Salam, ICTP. Trieste, Italy. 1987-2000.
2. Roberto Brenes Mesen Award, UNA,Costa Rica, Feb. 1993. .
3. Recognised by UNDP (USA), ICTP (Italy), TWAS (Italy) for the best practice on Renewable Energy, july 1992.
4. Recognisition for his work as promoter (extensionista), Direccion de Extension, UNA, Costa Rica, May 25, 2010.
5.National Energy Global Award 2008 and also in 2012 (
6. Honorary Ambassador of Energy Globe Foundation (Austria) for Costa Rica. Since 2013.
7. Recognisition my work as promoter (extensionista), UNA, Costa Rica, May 25, 2010.
8. Recognisition/Award Mejoramiento de la Calidad de Vida (Imprving the quality of Life), Costa Rica, Oct. 2015.
9. Honored with: HOnorary Member of Asociacion Costarricense de Energia Solar, ACESOLAR, Nov. 18, 2018.