Mr. Jesus da Costa Fernandes

Profession / Job Title
Climate Protection Manager
Hochschule für Musik Freiburg /University of Music
Areas of Expertise
Technical Solar Architecture and Building Integration, Net Zero Energy Buildings & Passive Buildings, Rational Use of Energy and Energy Storage in Buildings, Advanced HVAC, Building Integrated PV, Photovoltaics Modules & Systems, Grid-integrated PV Systems, Renewable Energy Grid Integration, Electricity Storage & Distribution, Fuel Cells, Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Smart Energy Systems, Rural Energy Supply & Distributed Renewable Energy Systems, Mini-grids, Climate Change, Wind energy
Organisational Project Managament, Systems Integration, Education and Training, Research
Geographic Northern Africa, Western Europe, Southern Europe
Short Description
Actual Focus: Climate Protection Management of the University of Music Freiburg - bringing public institutions towards CO2-neutral operation;
Wide spread expertise in renewable energy systems and hybrid supply concepts including sector coupling.
Wide spread expertise in renewable energy systems and hybrid supply concepts including sector coupling.
Education & Qualifications
M.Sc., Dipl.-Ing.(FH)
Publications (Papers, Books, Articles, etc.)
Several contributions to international conferences like EU PVSEC - European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (1995, 2005, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2023) and WCPEC in 2022.
Language skills
German - fluent
English - fluent
Portuguese - fluent
French - very good
Italian - good
Spanish - good
English - fluent
Portuguese - fluent
French - very good
Italian - good
Spanish - good