Newest ISES Gold Member
The International Solar Energy Society (ISES) is proud to present a new Gold Member:
Dr. Frederick Morse
Dr. Morse is the President of Morse Associates, Inc, a renewable energy consulting company formed in 1989. He is the former Senior Advisor of US Operations for Abengoa Solar, Inc. Dr. Morse was responsible for preparing the proposals for the 280 MW Solana and 280 MW Mojave Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants and for securing loan guarantees for those two projects. Dr. Morse first became involved in renewable energy issues in the late 1960s when he served as Executive Director of the White House Assessment of Solar Energy as a National Energy Resource. In his work at the US Department of Energy he played a significant role in defining and managing major solar energy R&D programs, including Solar Heating and Cooling, PV and CSP. Dr. Morse was the Chairman of the Western Governors’ Association Solar Task Force and is Chairman of the Utility-Scale Solar Power Division of the US Solar Energy Industries Association. Dr. Morse is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, received an M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from MIT and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University.
Dr. Morse is an ISES member since 1 January 1971. He is also one of our distinguished members of the Board of Directors, representing ISES members at large, USA.
Thank you Dr. Morse for your commitment and dedication to ISES.
Gold Membership (Life-time Member)
ISES Gold Members are lifetime Members of the International Solar Energy Society, never needing to renew their memberships. Gold Memberships strengthen the Society's financial stability, enabling ISES staff and Members to continue to work to achieve the ISES vision of 100% renewable energy for all, used wisely and efficiently.
In addition to the benefits available for all individual members, Gold members receive an extra 10 % discount on all additional services.
A Gold Membership costs 1000 € (500 € for people residing in lower income countries). To purchase a Gold Membership, log in to your ISES account and click on "Buy Membership" and Select Gold, or create a new ISES account here: