Solar Heating and Cooling Market and Industry Trends 2017
This webinar will highlight the key data and findings of the two most recent SHC market reports: Solar Heat Worldwide. Global Market Development and Trends in 2017 from IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (IEA SHC) and Renewables 2018. Global Status Report from REN21.
35 GWth of new solar thermal capacity was commissioned in 2017, increasing total global capacity by 4% to around 472 GWth. 2017 was a record year for new solar heat for industrial processes installations driven by economic competitiveness, a strong supply chain and policies to reduce air pollution. Concentrating collector technologies played an increasing role in providing heat for district heating and industrial applications. For the first time since the peak years 2011-2012, new manufacturing capacity was constructed for flat plate and concentrating collectors.
The webinar is organised by the Solar Academy of the IEA SHC Programme and hosted by ISES, the International Solar Energy Society.
Three experts will speak during the 1.5 hours webinar. Recording will be available online afterwards.
- Werner Weiss, Director of the Austrian Institute AEE INTEC and co-author of the study Solar Heat Worldwide, shares key data on added capacity, prospering applications, jobs and the contribution to emission reduction.
- Bärbel Epp, News Editor of solarthermalworld.org and author of the GSR section Solar Heating and Cooling Market and Industry, presents recent developments in industry and policy.
- Jean-Christophe Hadorn, Manager of Swiss firm Base Consultants and Operating Agent of the IEA SHC task Application of PVT Collectors, explores market and industry development of PV-Thermal technologies.
The webinar will be moderated by Pedro Dias, Secretary General of Solar Heat Europe, Belgium.
Webinar presentations
Werner Weiss

Werner Weiss is founding member and director of the Austrian research institute AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC) in Gleisdorf and is working in national and international solar thermal and energy efficiency projects since the beginning of the 1980ies.
He headed numerous national and international projects – especially in the framework of EU, IEA and UNIDO programmes.
Since 2009 he is board member of the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling and since 2010 the Austrian representative in the Executive Committee of the Solar Heating and Cooling Programme of the International Energy Agency (IEA). From 2010 to 2014 he acted as chairman of this IEA programme.
Since 2007 he is lecturer at Vienna University of Technology and the University of Applied Sciences - Technikum Wien.
Bärbel Epp

Bärbel Epp is the founder and managing director of the agency solrico – solar market research & international communication, a network of solar thermal professionals worldwide. She is responsible for the international newsletter on the web portal www.solarthermalworld.org, which has been dedicated exclusively to the solar heating and cooling sector. solrico has published the first World Map of Solar Process Heat Specialists at the beginning of 2017 and is partner in the international project Solar Payback that aims at increasing the deployment of SHIP (Solar Heat for Industrial Processes) in four partner countries: India, South Africa, Brazil and Mexico. She graduated in physics and looks back at more than 20 years of journalism in the field of solar thermal energy (www.solrico.com).
Jean-Christophe Hadorn

Jean-Christophe Hadorn is an engineer and a manager. He developed activities in engineering in different companies and in management consulting. He has long experiences in solar thermal energy since 1979 and in solar PV since 2005 as chairman of a listed company.
Hadorn has lead several international groups within IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme and written three books in this context since 1988. Currently he leads the new IEA SHC Task about PVT systems (2018 to 2020) with the goal to enhance the awareness of this promising technology and to consolidate the knowledge on the PVT systems for the solar and HVAC industry. Hadorn was manager of the Swiss research program Solar heat and heat Storage for several years.